In these times of uncertainty, working from home has become the new normal for many of us. Even people who had been working out of a coworking space before COVID-19 are now finding themselves working from home, including our members. While it can be difficult to work from home, here are some tips and tricks from our FUSE Coworking members that we’d like to share in the hopes of helping others stay productive and positive.
- Have a dedicated work space
Working from your couch probably isn’t going to make you be your most productive self. Setting up a workstation that will allow you to focus on your tasks is going to be extremely beneficial.
- Set boundaries for people you live with
Just because you’re home all day, doesn’t mean you can spend your day talking with whoever you live with. Creating boundaries will allow for less interruptions and more things to talk about at the end of the work day.
- Take a walk
Passion Pit knew what they were talking about when they told us all to take a walk. Luckily it’s spring, and we’ve had some pretty great weather lately. If you’re stuck on a project or just not getting anything done, get outside and walk around, while still maintaining a six foot distance from others.
- Set your work hours and try to create a routine
We all know that it can be tempting to do chores around the house when working from home, but try to create a routine/ set work hours to just focus on your work . However, depending on your circumstances, you might have to create a whole new work schedule/ routine. One of our members shared his new routine since WFH while also having his kids at home: “I’ve shifted some of my work day around to help from the distractions and need for attention from the boys. I’m taking an extended lunch time and we’re eating/playing outside during this time, which has eliminated any distractions before lunch. I’ll do a complete detox from all devices after the afternoon nap to play outside/walk. Then after the boys are in bed I’ll pick up for a few more hours at night.”
- Find your most productive time of day, and tackle your hardest projects then
Get your hard stuff done when you know you can.
- Have good internet
While this might not be something you can control or fix at the moment, having good internet is one thing I think we can all agree will help our productivity. Especially when you have two kids on ipads, 3 tvs streaming, game consoles, and two adults trying to work remotely.
- Separate work and home life as best you can
It can get difficult to separate home and work life when you are doing it all in the same place, but this goes along with setting up a work space and having it be separate from places meant for you to relax.
- Have a solid meal schedule
There is less benefit to quick meals at this time, and there is more benefit to sharing meal planning and cooking together, as well as keeping the kitchen tidy. Now is the perfect time to see if meal prepping is right for you, try out those recipes you’ve always wanted to make, or get out that instant pot you got for Christmas and finally give it a go!
We hope that you can take some of these tips and put them to use during your own work from home experience. Let’s do our best to make the most out of a non ideal situation. Stay safe and stay healthy!