The University of Nebraska Center for Entrepreneurship and Clifton Strengths Institute selected 12 students from various high schools in Lincoln to come to a week-long camp at the University. These 12 students had a week to come up with an idea, business plan, and presentation. The students had help from three mentors, one including our very own Community Manager at FUSE, Maddie Martin.
FUSE was excited to host their practice presentation where they pitched their idea to 8 business leaders from several Lincoln companies. The students decided an important problem to solve was the lack of educational resources parents have access to that could help their preschool students succeed in Kindergarten and on. “Prekrate” would be a monthly subscription box that includes tools for parents to use with their kids. Eventually, the parents would be able to specify which subjects their child needs more help with.
This afternoon these 12 students will be presenting their final pitch at the College of Business.